I’m Thankful that his mercies are new every morning. It’s like every day is a mini New Years, Full of Possibilities and wonder. Today I can start something new or Finish something long over Due.

Four years ago, I struggled with a debilitating bout of anxiety and depression. It was a point in my life that I just couldn't seem to get out of bed. It was as if I never really "woke up." It was the grace of God and the love of friends and family that brought me back to the feet of Jesus. It was there that I found peace, rest, and victory. So now I have dedicated my life to helping others, "wake up from a life un-lived." Through the written word, spoken messages, and resources I've tirelessly researched and compiled, I desire to see others take back their days by taking back their mornings. Every day I am seeking His glory and finding my own.

Our mornings are not necessarily a time of day, but a place of prominence. Your mornings may be the minutes before your family wakes up. Your morning may be at 5:00pm when the rest of the world is coming home, you are getting ready to change the world. Your “morning” may be the dawn of a new career, or welcoming of a new little one. Whenever your "morning" is there is a moment of complete peace, a time of connection and intimacy with God that can't be lost by distraction. It is the ending of the “night” and the beginning of the day. That moment is Morning Glory, and that is what I am here to find. Will you join me?


Things I Love



MY Family



The Water





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