Every child and student asks the same question: “Do I matter?” In order to answer this question effectively, we can’t leverage our comfort against our relationships, but rather engage them on what matters to them before we expect them to understand what matters to us.
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A lot of communicators have the ability to make you think about something differently...Jess has the rare ability of making you feel things you’ve never felt before. Her ability to mix bold truth, with pee your pants humor, and dynamic storytelling makes her one of the most compelling communicators I know. As a writer, Jess has the ability of bringing words to unnamed emotions. In just a few sentences her story about a trip to the thrift store has you booking a flight to spend a week with your grandma you haven’t seen since you were 11. The way Jess tells stories makes you want to live a bigger one. She might be Bob Goff’s long lost sister. -Joey McLaughlin (Lead Pastor Elevate City Church, GA)